Getting To The Crux Of Low Back Pain

If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, then it is unavoidable for you to ignore it anymore. You can get an effective pain management solution sooner, rather than later, and save you a boatload of hard-earned cash in the process. It is necessary to look for a simple and economical solution, in favor of much more costly and complicated solutions, extending my suffering unnecessarily. It is this potentially simple and economical solution to chronic lower back pain that I would like to share with you today.

How it affects a person:

During the two decades that followed, every approach and type of remedy for lower back pain that was available. These included (in alphabetical order) acupuncture, chiropractic, epidural cortisone steroid injections, inversion table therapy, massage, medications, pain killers, PLDD (a minimally invasive procedure known as percutaneous laser disc decompression), physical therapy and yoga. All were interesting experiences but rarely goals are achieved in eliminating lower back pain for any length of time.

Expenses for Low Back Pain

Evaluating these experiences, in retrospect, there were three major problems with them: First, they cost me time. Second, they cost me money and lots of it (the fee for PLDD on a single disc, for example, is $10,000!). Third, many of these methodologies were potentially dangerous.

It was only after all avenues had been exhausted, one should visit Parnami Orthopedic Hospital. The doctors and the team are very well experienced to cure chronic backaches completely. The team of doctors will help you completely overcome your pain by providing holistic treatment. The team will also help your post-rehabilitation of patient’s condition.

Steps for relieving low back pain

Take a Walk: The idea of taking a walk with a pained back might not seem a pleasant idea but walking can be beneficial in releasing your stress. It helps a lot when you are depressed, by reducing your stress level. The depression, stress, and tension can either cause or increase the back pain. The walk would ultimately reduce your stress and the pain as well.

Pay Heed to your Breathing: Breathing is another technique which can solve numerous issues. Take a deep breath and your tension is gone! How to breathe? Just make yourself comfortable. Inhale slowly for five seconds, hold your breath for few seconds and then exhale for five seconds. Repeat this process for a couple of minutes several times a day.

Icing Technique:  Back pain can be caused due to the muscle spasm. Icing would help it. It might seem weird but it works. Ice your back for 10-15 minutes multiple times a day. It will relax your muscles up resulting in lessening your pain.

Heat-up your Back: If icing doesn't help in relieving your back from the pain, you need to heat-up your back. There are many heat therapies; the most common is taking hot showers. Helping your muscles be tension free and pain-free.

Turmeric Tea: Turmeric tea can prove to be helpful for a backache. Prepare turmeric tea by adding two teaspoons of turmeric into a boiled cup of water and add sugar for the taste. Steep it for a couple of times a day.

Perform Yoga: Yoga proves to be one of the very effective solutions to this issue. Join yoga classes, seek help from books or online sources would well too. It could be the only remedy that your back was desiring to have.

Resource Box:

Visit Parnami Hospital for meeting the best pediatric orthopedist in Delhi-NCR.


  1. Impressive blog. Thanks for sharing information about back pain treatments. Find more valuable information regarding Nervous System Ayurvedic Treatment in Ludhiana.


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