Getting a Profound Perception about Types of Bone fractures

A bone fracture is a condition where the continuity of the bone is broken. A significant percentage of bone fractures occur because of high force impact or stress on the bone.

A fracture may also result in some other medical conditions which weaken the bones. This results in diseases for example osteoporosis, some cancers, or osteogenesis imperfecta (also known as brittle bone diseases). And this fracture which is caused by a medical condition is known as a pathological fracture.

Different Types of Fractures 

There are various fractures which could be enlisted. Let’s start by introducing a few of them. Avulsion fracture wherein the fracture causes the muscle or ligament pulls on the bone ultimately causing breakage. Another type of fracture in this category includes Comminuted fracture wherein the bone is shattered into a number of pieces. Now let’s talk about Compression fracture & Fracture dislocation a commonly discussed fracture type the compression type of fracture occurs in the spongy bone in the spine whereas fracture dislocation involves joints to be dislocated, and one of the bones of the joint has a fracture.

There is no end while I Keep on enlisting different fractures types. Some more of these are greenstick fracture, Hairline fracture, impacted fracture, etc. In the respective order, these can be when the bone partly fractures on one side but does not break completely because the rest of the bone bends. While hairline fracture causes partial fracture of the bone and even hard to visualize in the x-ray; finally comes the bone is fractured, one fragment of bone goes into another which are called impacted fracture.

Some more of these are intraarticular fracture caused when the break extends into the surface of a joint while in the longitudinal fracture the break is along the length of the bone and in case of oblique fracture, the bone is bent along its axis.[

Diagnosis and Treatment of Fractured Bones

Initially, the doctor will carry out a physical examination, identify signs and symptoms, and makes the diagnosis on its basis. The patient asked about circumstances that caused the injury or may have caused it. For more precision, the doctors will often order an X-ray. In a few cases, an MRI or CT scan can also be recommended.

The treatment for the fracture also focuses on providing the injured bone with the best circumstances for optimum healing (immobilization). If we want the natural healing process to begin, the ends of the broken bone need to be lined up and this method is known as reducing the fracture. In addition to that, immobilization is necessary for the bones to make them stay aligned while they heal. And some of the Immobilizing techniques may include plaster casts or plastic functional braces (required to hold the bone in position until it has healed); Metal plates and screws etc. We can also discuss some more techniques such as intra-medullary nails which are internal metal rods placed down the center of long bones, and used as flexible wires in children.

The fractured bone area is immobilized for 2-8 weeks. The duration of the healing depends on which bone is affected and whether there are any complications, such as a blood supply problem or an infection. Physical therapy is essential after the bone has been healed, it may be necessary to restore muscle strength as well as mobility to the affected area. In case the fracture occurred near or through a joint, there is a risk of permanent stiffness or arthritis - the individual may not be able to bend that joint as well as before. Surgery is required if there was damage to the skin and soft tissue around the affected bone or joint, plastic surgery may be required.


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